Bill Gates as a businessman

Name - Bill Gates

                     Birth Name -William Henry Gates III

                  Birth  Place - Seattle (WA) (United States)

                            Date of Birth - October 28, 1955

              Qualification - Attended Harvard University

                              Occupation -Business 

                            Height - 5' 10" (1.78 m) 

 Born William Henry III is an American entrepreneur, business mogul, investor, philanthropist, and widely known as one of the most richest and influential people in the world. William Henry III was born to attorney, William Henry II and teacher, Mary Maxwell Gates in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Bill Gates as a child was very competitive, curious, and depth thinker. His parents decided to enroll him in the private preparation school, Lakeside School. Gates soon excelled at Lakeside, where he made himself oriented to a wide variety of subject ranging from Math, Science, English Literature and even becoming a superb Drama student. Bill Gates surrounded by historical events at a young age was inspired. In 1969, Apollo 11 took men to the moon, this involved huge computers, and which cost billions of research dollars to function and operate. A computer during that era, was very genuine to have. However, Lakeside had gotten a deal with the city of Seattle and received, this became Bill Gates first encounter toward a computer.

Bill Gates would spend hours,upon hours at the computer room at the high-school, and he eventually met a man named,Paul Allen whom shared the same interests as Bill Gates. Bill Gates in 1973 graduated, Lakeside and was accepted by the prestigious University Of Harvard. Gates during his years at Harvard University never had a definite career plan, for some time he thought of pursuing a career in law for the admiration he had with politics, but his true craze was staying up all day and night with the computer. Bill Gates met Steve Ballmer whom would soon join Gates in his venture to start his own company, Microsoft. This all started when Paul Allen, Bill's former school mate moved to Boston from Seattle for a job. Paul Allen picked up a magazine at Harvard Square which read, "World's First Minicomputer Kit To Rival Commercial Models" to Bill Gates and Paul Allen this was the moment they had been waiting for, the dawn of personal computer had begun. Ed Roberts who ran this phenomenal product was looking for someone to do further programming to it. Bill Gates and Allen Paul soon took on this task and this partnership with Ed Roberts eventually led to the first product made by Microsoft the Altair BASIC. "Microsoft" was created in 1976 Altair BASIC was an programming language which ran on the MITS Altair 8800. Gates due to the success of Altair BASIC decided to drop out of Harvard and never returned to complete his studies. Microsoft was located in Albuquerque from 1976 to 1979. In 1979 they relocated their location to Bellevue Washington on January,1,1979.

Microsoft began to expand and specialize in languages such as Basic,Cobol,Fortan,and Pascal. With this expansion and Microsoft having hit the one million dollar profit margin mark, it was a matter of time until a big-shot computer creative company came knocking at their door. That company was IBM. The partnership IBM and Microsoft developed was a pivotal role which defined technology, to what it has become today. It established what Gates had predicted, every home in America would have one computer per household. IBM wanted an operating system for their new line of personal computers. Bill Gates bought an operating system in which he renamed, MS-DOS for IBM. He received profit from IBM for every MS-DOS product made, as IBM didn't own the licensing fee, and Gates refused to give it to them.

The partnership with Bill Gates and Paul Allen soon ended, due to Paul being diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. Their partnership would be seen as one which defined the technology field world-wide. This made Gates the sole-man in the Microsoft empire. In 1985, Microsoft had generated 140 million dollars in sales in just that year alone.

In 1986, Bill Gates introduced Microsoft Windows it would be come one of the most used operating systems in history, and one of the most advanced. Apple around this time, came up with an ingenious software, Gates advised them to have a copyright, however Apple was more focused on selling computers, this prompted Gates to take advantage of an open opportunity. At the age of 31, Gates became a billionaire owning 45% of his stock.

Bill Gates always had insecurities, even if he at such a peak. IBM soon to separate from MS-DOS with the success of their sales, decided to create their own operating system which it licensed from Microsoft called Dos2. OS2 eventually failed as Gates decided to invest his name and the entire future of Microsoft to advancing the Windows operating system, even if it meant losing IBM as a client. He came out with Windows 3.0 which turned out be a best market seller. Microsoft was soon becoming a monopoly, and Gates started receiving the reputation of being ruthless,and unfair. Gates was accused for practicing unfair marketing practices, and a case with the Department Of Justice Division Anti Trust Department was opened. Microsoft would receive royalty fee because of a "per-processor" license Microsoft had which stated, for each computer a microprocessor is sold; a royalty payment must be made. Regardless, if it was a Microsoft operating system or not. Operating Equipment Manufacturers saw this as unfair, this would lead him further to be a monopoly, which no software company liked. Apple had no way of competing, IBM had no way of competing, it was Microsoft receiving these royalty fees even for a non-Microsoft Operating System which most manufactures thought was most unfair. Microsoft agreed to stop charging the fees and the Department Of Justice dropped the case.

Bill Gates's mother died shortly after their marriage of breast cancer. Bill Gates because of the influence his mother had on him, created philanthropic organizations that fought certain causes, and was pursuing the interests his mother had. In 1995, Windows 95 was introduced, Bill Gates at this time slowed down on his work with Microsoft as he became a family man, welcoming his first daughter he had with his wife, Melinda French. Netscape came out with a browser which allowed you to access the world of internet. This was a realm, Microsoft had yet to embark. Netscape sales soared through the roof, while Microsoft was behind. Microsoft then promptly released the web-browser Explorer. With the success of Explorer Gates had yet to know he would be receiving a nation-wide law-suit which would cost Microsoft millions. Gates was charged with practicing unlawful conduct, and running a illegal monopoly in 1998. An anti-trust suit along with president Bill Clinton's Justice Department filed a anti-trust suit which would be seen as the most severe lawsuit's related to the technology field. Bill Gates to save his company stepped down from Microsoft as the CEO and allowed Steve Balmer to be CEO. Bill Gates was the Chairman.

Bill Gates changed the way the world operates,functions, Gates made life easier for humans to live in. To get tasks done within seconds at a time, creating several multitasking software programs. Bill Gates will forever be remembered as a business man, philanthropist, and investor. Bill Gates with multiple products unleashed with his company Microsoft, allowed the technology field to expand and become more competitive,always setting the stakes much higher, and presented a field with endless surprises.

Bill Gates & Microsoft

In 1975, before graduation Gates left Harvard to form Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen. The pair planned to develop software for the newly emerging personal computer market. Bill Gate's company Microsoft became famous for their computer operating systems and killer business deals. For example, Bill Gates talked IBM into letting Microsoft retain the licensing rights to MS-DOS an operating system, that IBM needed for their new personal computer. Gates proceeded to make a fortune from the licensing of MS-DOS.
On November 10, 1983, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, Microsoft Corporation formally announced Microsoft Windows, a next-generation operating system.
On January 1, 1994, Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates. They have three children.

What is an Operating System

The operating system or`OS is the foundation software of a computer, that which schedules tasks, allocates storage, and presents a default interface to the user between applications. The facilities an operating system provides and its general design exerts an extremely strong influence on the applications created for the computer.

IBM & Microsoft History

In 1980, IBM first approached Bill Gates of Microsoft, to discuss the state of home computers and what Microsoft products could do for IBM. Gates gave IBM a few ideas on what would make a great home computer, among them to have Basic written into the ROM chip. Microsoft had already produced several versions of Basic for different computer system beginning with the Altair, so Gates was more than happy to write a version for IBM. 

When IBM was looking for a new operating system and were unable to make connections with the originator of the CPM operating system, they immediately contacted Microsoft. Microsoft called a local company named Seattle Computer Products and bought the rights to Tim Patterson's Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) for $50,000. Gates modified the program, renamed it MS-DOS and sold it to IBM. Microsoft incorporated on 6/25/1981, Bellevue, WA and the first trade of Microsoft on the New York stock market was on 3/13/1986.
Gates is known for hiring shrewd, savvy businessmen and cream-of-the-crop computer experts to launch inexpensive and popular operating systems such as Windows 3, Windows '95 and Windows '98. During the 1990s, Microsoft Corp. has been involved in several federal lawsuits over unfair competitive practices. A formal lawsuit of the federal government against Microsoft began in Washington DC on 10/19/1998, 10:00 AM. Judge Jackson declared Microsoft to be a monopoly on 11/05/1999.
Gates is known as a workaholic, turning vacations into "think weeks" and remarking that he did not take a day off for 13 years. He married Microsoft exec Melinda French 1/01/1994 on the tiny Hawaiian resort of Lanai in a Roman Catholic ceremony. They built a 40,000 square foot $50 million house on Lake Washington in Seattle, WA. Seven years after construction began, Gates, his wife and daughter Jennifer moved in, mid-September, 1997. The family makes every effort to retain a low-public profile. In May 1999, his son Rory John was born.
The Gates donated $25 million to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative in early 1999. The world richest man with a net worth of some $90 billion, he has pledged $4 billion to various causes. In September 1999, he announced that his foundation will make the largest academic donation ever: $1 billion, to be distributed over the next 20 years to pay the full tab each year for about 1,000 black, Hispanic, Native American and Asian students seeking degrees in science, engineering, math and education. In 2000, Bill and Melinda contributed $22 billion to the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" which finances international vaccination and children's health programs; the largest philanthropic contribution in history to date.
On 4/03/2000, federal judge Thomas Jackson ruled that Microsoft Corp. had broken the nation's antitrust laws by placing "an oppressive thumb on the scale of competitive fortune" to target rival firms that threatened its soft-ware monopoly. Although a negotiated settlement is still possible, Microsoft pledged to appeal the ruling, potentially prolonging the legal struggle for years to come. Since last November, Gates and his mega-company has been branded a predatory monopolist that ran run roughshod over competition for years, harming consumers and throttling innovation. A new stage of the trial could possible breakup the world's most valuable software company.
Forbes magazine published its list of the 400 wealthiest
Americans in September 2001, and topping the list (again) is Gates, though he lost $9 billion last year.
Bill and Melinda welcomed their third child, Phoebe Adelle Gates, born 9/14/2002 at Overlake Hospital Medical Center in suburban Bellevue, WA. The baby weighed 9 lbs., 13 oz., said family spokeswoman Annemarie Hou. The other Gates children are Jennifer, 6, and Rory, 3.
Gates announced on June 15, 2006 that he is gradually letting go of some of his day-to-day responsibility at Microsoft to spend more time on his charitable foundation which attends to issues of world health and education. By July 2008 he will act as part-time Chairman and technical advisor to the company. Gates said "I've decided that two years from today, I will reorganize my personal priorities….I believe with great wealth comes great responsibility - the responsibility to give back to society and make sure those resources are given back in the best possible way, to those in need….It's not a retirement, it's a reordering of my priorities."

Bill Gates Philanthropist

Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have endowed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with more than $28.8 billion (as of January 2005) to support philanthropic initiatives in the areas of global health and learning.

Bill Gates Hobbies

 Gates love reading magazines and journals. His regular reads include the every page of The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and Business Week. At times, he also goes through issues of Time and People. To satiate his intellectual hunger he has built a full-fledged library at his waterfront estate in Washington DC.

Art Collection

 Bill has a knack of collecting the rarest pieces of art. Even if he has to shell out millions of dollars for that, it hardly matters.

Listening music

Bill has a rich taste in music. His favorites include Frank Sinatra.

Bill Gates Wedding

The first time Bill and Melinda met was in 1987, when they were sitting beside each other at a Microsoft press event in Manhattan, New York. After years of dating and getting to know each other, these two finally got engaged in 1993. Bill proposed to Melinda in a rather dramatic style, when he secretly diverted a chartered plane they were taking home from Palm Springs to land in Omaha. There they were greeted by long time friend Warren Buffett who not only arranged to have a jewelry store open, but also helped them pick a ring. The marriage ceremony took place on the 1st of January, 1994 among closest of friends. The $1 million affair was held at 12th tee of the Manele Bay Hotel golf course at the Hawaiian island of Lanai. The ceremony rites were performed by William J Sullivan S.J Seattle University Chancellor and Steve Ballmer was Bill’s best man. Melinda was at her charming best in the $10,000 designed by Victoria Glenn of Seattle, made out of silk-faced organza. Bill also looked gracious in black slacks and a white dinner jacket. Bill put his best efforts to ensure complete privacy for the occasion and therefore rented each of 250 hotel rooms and chartered every helicopter within the vicinity. The wedding reception had around 130 attendees which included names like Warren Buffet, Paul Allen, Craig McCaw, and Katharine Graham. The entertainer for the night was Willie Nelson who put on an exciting show for Bill and his guests at the reception. They chose Wakaya Club in Fiji for spending a part of their honeymoon.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

 Founded in 1994 after the death of Bill’s mother Mary Maxwell Gates, the foundation was originally named as the William H. Gates foundation. It was renamed to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 1999. Merged with the Gates Learning Foundation in 2000, it has Melinda Gates, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as its three trusties. With an endowment of around US $30 billion, it is the world's largest philanthropic organization. The main aim of the foundation is to to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty.


Enjoys playing golf and bridge.

As of 2005, his personal fortune was in excess of $46 billion.

Was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

His company, Microsoft, went public on 28 October 1985, his 30th birthday.

Dropped out of Harvard University in 1975 to devote himself full-time to Microsoft.

Has endowed a foundation that has given several billion dollars to various charitable and educational projects.

Is an avid reader.

His personal wealth exceeds the Gross National Product (GNP) of some Third World countries.

Became a billionaire (US dollars) at age 31, making him the youngest self-made billionaire in history.

Derided by critics as "Chairman Bill" after Chinese Communist leader Zedong Mao, who was popularly known as "Chairman Mao." In a March 2002 poll of over 1,600 teenagers in Hong Kong and mainland China by researchers at the City University of Hong Kong, Gates outranked Mao as the person they idolized the most.

Children: Jennifer Katharine (26 April 1996), son Rory John (23 May 1999), Phoebe Adele (14 September 2002)

Has a measured IQ of 160, signifying genius intelligence.

Has been the richest man in the world consistently every year since 1998 except for 2010 and 2011, when he was surpassed by Carlos Slim Helu. Bill was again ranked the richest man for 2012.

Made an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth II on March 2, 2005. Because he is not a British citizen, he may not use the title Sir, but is allowed to put KBE after his name.

As of March 2006, the 12th year in a row as #1 on Forbes' list of The World's Richest People, with a net worth exceeding $50 billion (US).

His dad was friends with Wilbert Saunders, (1908-2006), who founded World Concern with Jim McCoy. At first, the company started as a small business called Medicinces for Missions, then was renamed World Concern in 1973. Gates attended Wilbert Saunders' funeral.

Mentioned in the song "High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup, as "captain of the chess team".

Forbes magazine estimated Microsoft chief's net worth at $53 billion, making him the world's richest American. Friend Warren Buffett came in second place with a net worth fortune estimated at $47 billion. [February 2010]

He and his wife, Melinda Gates, were both awarded the 2010 'J. William Fulbright' Prize for International Understanding.

He has two sisters, one older and one younger.

He is now Chairman and Chief Software Architect.

Bill and Melinda were married in Lanai (Hawaii) where the 100+ guests included Warren Buffett, Katharine Graham, Paul G. Allen and Craig McCaw. Singer-songwriter Willie Nelson entertained the guests at the wedding reception.

Personal Quotes

Microsoft was founded with a vision of a computer on every desk, and in every home. We've never wavered from that vision.
In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don't know if there's a god or not, but I think religious principles are quite valid.
Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning.
It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.
If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.
I am a strong proponent of measuring teachers' effectiveness, and my foundation works with many schools to help make sure that such evaluations improve the overall quality of teaching. But publicly ranking teachers by name will not help them get better at their jobs or improve student learning. On the contrary, it will make it a lot harder to implement teacher evaluation systems that work.
At Microsoft, we created a rigorous personnel system, but we would never have thought about using employee evaluations to embarrass people, much less publish them in a newspaper. A good personnel system encourages employees and managers to work together to set clear, achievable goals. Annual reviews are a diagnostic tool to help employees reflect on their performance, get honest feedback and create a plan for improvement. Many other businesses and public sector employers embrace this approach, and that's where the focus should be in education: school leaders and teachers working together to get better.
Developing a systematic way to help teachers get better is the most powerful idea in education today. The surest way to weaken it is to twist it into a capricious exercise in public shaming. Let's focus on creating a personnel system that truly helps teachers improve.

 This is the story of  successful  Bill Gates. I Pray for him to get more in his life and give us more technology.


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